Saturday, June 2, 2007

Question #3_ Brave New World

*Who are the main characters in the novel?
*Do you like them?
*Why or why not?
*What is special about them?
*What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

- John: He is the son of the Director and Linda, and he has grown up outside of the World State. He was born and was grown in the Savage Reservation, and when Bernard brings him to the New World, he isn’t able to fit in. His mother has told him all about the New World, how create it is with everyone so “civilized,” however, this image of this world was all ruined when he had actually saw the reality. His world view is based on his knowledge of Shakespeare’s plays, which he read among the Savages. He can quote them really well. I like him because he is unique in a way that he can think for himself, not conditioned in the New World. He is special because he knows that "soma" isn't good for you, and he is the one who understands the Shakespeare unlike others. He reveals people in our society who is unique, and someone who break the fixed concept or thoughts about something.
- Bernard Marx: He is an Alpha male who fails to fit in because he has an inferior in his physical stature. He was mistreated when he was an embryo for some mistake occurred. His insecurity about his height and status makes him discontented with the World State. He brings John and Linda to the new world, but later goes to an island because he has too much individual ideas. I don't like him because he is an inferior. I am not saying that it is his fault that he wasn't normal, and I am also not saying that I don't like him because of his looks. It is just his confidence. He is an Alpha-plus, a status that everyone would like to be in. He should have pride, but he never does. He is like people in our society who has almost everything, but just because they lack a little tiny bit of something, they are not satisfied.
- Lenina: She works as a vaccination worker at the Conditioning Centre of the World State. Her behavior is sometimes intriguingly unorthodox, for example, she defies her culture by going out with only one guy unlike other girls. She, with Bernard brings John to the New World, falls in love with him. She cannot understand the way of John’s thinking though, since she was conditioned like all the other people in the World State. I like her in a way that she has a different perspective on relationship with boys, unlike other girls. But since she was conditioned, she didn't have perfectly self-created thoughts and perspective. She is like the people who tries to be different, but actually cannot really be, because of the influence of the environment they live in.
- Linda: She is John’s mother and a Beta. She got pregnant with the Director’s son, and while visiting the Savage Reservation, she got lost and was left behind. She couldn’t get the abortion, and was ashamed to return to the New World with a baby, where it was treated “animal-like for human women to have baby herself.” She is addicted to soma, so when she returns to the World State with Bernard, she lives with it and dies quickly. I don't like her, but I feel sorry for her. She is a great example how humans can turn out with all those scientific chemicals. She is a person like drug addicts in our society.

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