Saturday, June 2, 2007

Question #5_ Brave New World

*What is the mood of this novel?
*Do you find this novel saddens you in any way?

This novel, Brave New World, is very depressing; it is a dystopian novel. You feel more and more depressed as you keep on reading. In the beginning of the book, it describes and explains how humans are created (made) my all the machineries, and how humans are educated to do certain things according to the status of that human being. They are forced to like certain things and they are also forced to hate certain things. Who, which humans, would feel happy reading such thing? We question ourselves, are we influenced by such things? Are be being controlled by something, not knowing? Who knows whether same thing is going on in our society, but we don’t know this because we are ignorant like the people in the World State? It somehow makes us afraid, afraid to face the reality. This novel saddens me in a way that people are being mistreated. They don’t have human rights. Even Alpha-pluses are being controlled by the World Controllers and are not perfectly free. In our society, many people tried hard in the past to free the slaves and make all the humans equal. Every human should have their own right to do something they want to. What is even sadder is that people in this novel don’t know how they are being treated. They have been conditioned to be like that. Although they are doing the things that we cannot even possibly imagine to do, they are feeling happy to do such things. They don’t know what else they could do. It is like a society of dolls created by the definite power. They are being played around by the World Controllers. JUST AWFUL!

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