Saturday, June 2, 2007

Question #1_ Brave New World

*What is the major theme of this novel?
*Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

In the novel Brave New World, people are living in a society where there is no freedom. However, people in this society don’t know that because they were taught that they are the happiest people in the world since the time of when they weren’t even born. The major theme of this novel seems to be criticizing the stupidity of human beings. The author changes the “Lord God” of today into “Ford” of the car company to ridicule today’s ignorance. As technology develops, humans began searching for the true meaning of happiness. We have certain things that we think are the obstacles that keep us from reaching happiness, and in this novel, the author had changed those factors into the way that we probably may think is better. However, it actually was worse, which proves the dumbness of our choices. We have to be satisfied with the way we are today, and find a way that you can be happy with them. Don’t try to change them into the way you want it to be, ruining the natural orders, just for yourself. There was a purpose for the God to create the world the way it is today.
The theme is important to a teenager living in 2007, in a way that they will be the future leaders of the world. So many things have changed from the past these days. Almost all teenagers have cell phones in their pockets and plastic surgeries have become a common occasion. I am confident that there will be many changes in the future too, but how and when it will change depends on today’s teenagers. Like in the novel Brave New World, we may not allow for women to have babies, but may create babies with the technology, giving perfect genes to create the geniuses. We might think it would be helpful to our society, when the reality is the opposite. Teenagers should have the right point of view toward the world, and should understand the results of good and bad choices. As the world leaders of tomorrow, they would also have to learn to avoid the ignorant decisions. That is why the theme of this book is so important.

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