Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question #8_ Animal Farm

*Entry of your choice
*Original novel vs. Translated version

Famous books are translated into hundreds of languages, and Animal Farm is one of them. George Orwell is a really famous author, and I have seen this novel on the Korean high school recommended reading list. So I tried reading Animal Farm in Korean version during Lunar Vacation. I was pretty surprised for what I have gotten out of it. Since it hadn’t been a long time, reading Animal Farm in English, I didn’t get anything new; the story was really familiar to me. However, something was different! I thought over and over until I finally figured out that the mood was a little different. Dystopian mood was a lot stronger in the English version. I’d say it’s because of the variety of words a language can have. Korean version really sounded like a storybook or a novel without the explanation in the back of the book saying that it is symbolizing the Soviet Union. In contrast, when I read the original book, I could actually connect the story into the history, even without reading the analysis. Maybe it’s because the translator couldn’t find exact word for word meaning Korean, and had to use weaker word choice. This means that if you don’t know English and wanted to really enjoy Animal Farm or some kind of American Literature fully, it isn’t possible. That is one reason that almost everyone around the world tries to learn English and be fluent with it. Before, I thought it would be as good to read a novel in a translated version, but now, I don’t believe so. I should try to read the novels I read in Korean translated version, again in English and search for the real beauty of the book.


Yaejin said...

"for real beauty of the book~?" haha...oh well, that might be true. I remember reading this book over and over again (mainly because of my English tutor), which was kind of against my will. But after being "forced" to read this book, I started to like it (I'm not brainwashed). First, I was surprised how this book relates so well to Stalin and his way of controlling Russia. See you at school!

Darren Kim said...

I totally agree with you. Honestly Korean version of Animal farm is very easy read comparing to the English version of Animal farm. I will be choosing Animal farm for my second book, and like you said, characters and dystopian mood might be a lot stronger in the English version.

Korean Cherry Blossem said...
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African Globe Trotters. said...

I love this post you have captured the essence of translation. A sterling job!Mrs Mc.