Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question #2_ Animal Farm

*Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?
*What are they, and how do they relate?
*Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Have you ever thought you are the best and you know everything? How do you feel when you think you are right, everyone agrees to it, but you were totally wrong? Despite what time period you live in, each one of us had experienced it at least once, since this is part of human nature. The novel Animal Farm, may seem like a story that is enjoyable when it is hiding its real meaning by symbolizing. It tells us that “communism” in this case is not right. Didn’t everyone think it was a right ideology in the beginning? But are there any who thinks that way today? Current situations in the world relates to the book like this. These past years, many communist countries have turned and are turning back toward democracy. Soviet Union had changed to USSR after its destruction. Even China is accepting some of the principles of democracy; however, there is a single country left untouched, North Korea. What is happening in North Korea is what had happened in the Soviet Union in the past, but they haven’t learned by seeing the failure. Although the president of the North Korea, Kim Jeong Il, would never accept it, North Koreans should read the book and learn something from it. This novel doesn’t actually shed the light of “how” the problem could be resolved, but it shows the frightful result of what might happen, if it keeps on going this way.


Christina Lee said...

It is true that North Korea is closed from others, does it really show that? In my opinion, North Korea is known for its communist government. They say that they are isolating themselves from others and have their own little “playground”. However as everybody can see, they want continuous aids from other countries, getting information to develop their country, receive illegal help or contracts to build their powerful weapons. They know what is going on in this world, and give out their own opinions about it. They are even having conferences with South Korea and U.S. They have been touched and they have been told what is right and what is wrong. However, I agree with you that they need help of knowledge more than weapons and equipments. We need to convince them the open in a different direction and become a peacekeeper than a peace-destructor. I enjoyed reading your entries~ hehe have a nice lunar break!!! =)

Angela Kim said...

Since I am reading this book right now justine (i'm half way through), I agree with what you have wrote about communism and North Korea. I don't understand why North Korea isn't changing their government. Before I started this book, I thought it was going to be really boring. But then, as I started to read this book I found out that this book is really interesting and fun to read. I think you pointed out the most important part of the book, communism. Good job on doing that! See you tomorrow my bestest<3

African Globe Trotters. said...

Really thought provocative work girls. I am delighted with your work and insight. Mrs Mc.