Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question #1_ Animal Farm

*What is the major theme of this novel?
*Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The book Animal Farm is full of symbolization. The story is symbolizing the background of the Russian Revolution which occurred in the Soviet Union. The farm is symbolizing the country itself, and the relationships between the animals are how the leaders of the Soviet were related to each other. The major theme of this novel seems to be criticizing the history and the rule of the government in the Soviet. The author tried to tell the world that although the idea of the communism might be really good and perfect, the reality is totally different. Since the individual rights of the people during this period weren’t given, the author had to symbolize what he wanted to talk about, so that he won’t be punished for it. Gorge Orwell wasn’t actually punished, but when this writing was first shown to the public, it was banned and forbidden to be published as a book.
The theme is important to a teenager living in 2007, especially in the democratic countries. During Cold War, two most powerful countries were United States and Soviet Union. U.S. was the leader of the democracy when Soviet was the leader of the communism. We cannot judge two different governments by the ideology they are using, but we can actually judge which works better. Decade ago, many countries were following communism because the idea was really good; however, had failed to make the “dream come true.” Today, all the powerful countries are democratic, and the teenagers living in 2007 should understand the pros and cons of communism.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Excellent research! Symbolises - is the correct form of the word. Great job though. Mrs Mc.