Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question #7_ Animal Farm

*Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable?
*Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you

Major Farm, the Animal Farm, is a setting that I have found to be memorable. This farm at first was really old and the owner of the farm never cared about the animals. However, as the animal took over the farm, human things were used differently by animals. The structure of the farm had changed a lot. Contrastingly, at the end of the book, powerful pigs live the same life as humans on the farm, so the farm starts to look like what it was in the past. In another word, this farm kept on changing and changing as the story goes according to how animals lived and how nature of the animals on this farm had changed. All the good and bad things happen in this one place. Actually, almost the whole book occurs on this one farm; story starts here and ends here. It is very interesting, and at the same time shocking, to see how so many things can happen in a single setting. The unsteady rule of cruel and brutal humans, rebellion of animals, new leaders, changing of the nature of animals, process of destruction of a community, birth of communism, murders among friends (the trusting relations), discriminations, dictatorship, and lots more. Animal Farm, later changed name of Major Farm, symbolizes the Soviet Union during communism. Thinking back, I shiver again knowing how brave and smart the author, George Orwell, was to symbolize the Soviet Union in this book, and to criticize the country by sneaking from the government. I wonder if the same things could happen in South Korea, where the idealism of democracy is being used.


Sukkyeong* said...

I agree! It is amazing that so many events happened in one place. I found the conclusion memorable and very interesting; the animals couldn't distinguish between pigs and humans. After reading 'Animal Farm', I was also astonished by the author's hidden theme. At first, I just enjoyed the book; but later I figured out the hidden theme about Soviet Union.
Sorry! I thought I left a comment on your blog, but I think I forgot somehow lol Cya tomorrow then~♥

Anonymous said...

I wanted to read this book but never got to.. How did the pig get to be so conquerous?? Like they own the farm.. Is there an owner of the farm?? The book sems interessting and I really want to read it. I hope you turned the book in the library.:) Anyways I guess this book would be really messy there are humans and animals hmm maybe next time there would be insects lol.

Tiffany Choi said...

I like your blog. :)
It's very pretty with all the
French words.
anyways, although I didn't read Animal Farm, I like the things you wrote. They are very specific and detailed. Also the quotes you used are very nice and useful. I can even know a little bit of the book although I didn't read the book.

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes your post truly sums up the book and the author's intention. Mrs Mc.