Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question #3_ Animal Farm

*Who are the main characters in the novel?
*Do you like them?
*Why or why not?
*What is special about them?
*What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

- Napoleon: He is the pig who emerges as the leader of Animal Farm after the Rebellion. He uses his loyal attack dogs to keep control of the rest of the animals. He is like the dictator of the Animal Farm. I don’t like Napoleon because just because he is smarter than the other pigs, he uses his skills of literacy to fool others and control them. He is representing Joseph Stalin.
- Snowball: The pig that is intelligent and eloquent to challenge Napoleon for the power over the Animal Farm after the Rebellion. Snowball is less brutal in a way of treating other animals. I like Snowball because he challenged the dictator, which is not an easy thing to do. He was smart enough to persuade others and sometimes passionate. He is representing Leon Trotsky.
- Boxer: The cart horse who is really strong. He does a great role in completing the windmill. He is also loyal to his leaders, and sometimes too loyal to look like a food who doesn’t know anything except for following orders. He allows the pigs to make all the decisions for him saying, “I will work harder” and “Napoleon is always right.” I don’t really like boxer. Although he is really helpful, powerful, and loyal, he doesn’t have leadership or the ability to come to the conclusion of something by himself.
- Squealer: The pig who is a great talker. He spreads Napoleon’s propaganda and bullshits among the other animals in the farm. One word to describe his character is “liar.” He always gives the wrong information and false statistics pointing to the farm’s success so that others can think that Napoleon’s the greatest. I hate Squealer the most, although it is a common scene in our lives. I just don’t like characters that spread rumors and make everyone think the wrong idea on something.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

An informative post and shows that you understand the basic concepts of the novel. Mrs Mc.