Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question #5_ Animal Farm

*What is the mood of this novel?
*Do you find this novel saddens you in any way?

This novel, Animal Farm, is unspeakably depressing. The book starts with Old Major being the great and wise leader of all animals. Mr. Jones, the farm owner, was really harsh on animals and had no sympathy. He drank all the time and didn’t even feed animals regularly. Animals couldn’t bear their conditions of living anymore, so they decided to rebel and take over the Manor Farm. When they succeeded to do so, the renamed the farm and looked forward for a pleasant, happy life. The harvest was the greatest and some animals started to learn how to read. It was just a utopia. Even when humans came back to take over their past farms, they all worked together and had beaten them. However, as a new leader, Napoleon came along everything started to change and the farm animals were being treated worse than they were by humans. The story ends all depressed again. This novel saddens me in a way very much. It makes me feel like, “There are always bad things following after good things. Plus, life itself is always depressing.” Since this novel was based on the real story of the Soviet Union, it is not just fantasy but reality. The reality is this depressing. Many, not just a few but very many, people are treated really badly when others are so rich and powerful by controlling over the weak and helpless. Also, even when there are these good and great ideas, such as communism, created to brighten the world, they always end up failing by some kind of reasons. It just saddens me, even to think about it.


JESSICA* said...

Justine- this is Jessica:)* I also said that the mood of this novel is depressing. Remember reading this novel at Veritas?! I forgot what the story was about so I chose this book again:)keke.. Anyways, it really does make me sad even to think about Napoleon, making the animals to work harder than they would work with men. Great job:)♥

African Globe Trotters. said...

The concepts brought out in the book you have clearly addressed. Mrs Mc.